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Time to define your timezone!
Timezones support is now available! This means that you can view dates & times in your local timezone instead of the application’s default one.

For instance, the application is currently set on Europe/Paris, which means that the current date & time are displayed as .

In just a few clicks we are going to set your timezone so you can see dates & times correctly.
Note: This can be changed at any time in your preferences.
First, choose the option that suits you the best
Then, let the app guess you location
Important: Your location will only be used to find your timezone, it won’t be stored or sent to anyone
  • You are currently located in the timezone
  • Current date time will be displayed as
Then, define your timezone
Important: If you ever move to another location, you will have to manually change the timezone in your preferences
  • Choose the desired timezones from the list below
  • Current date time will be displayed as Waiting for timezone
Great! We are almost done. Here are a few things to know:
  • Every time you see this icon near a date time, it means that you are viewing / editing it in your timezone ()
  • If you don’t see the icon, it means that this part of the application is not compatible with the timezones and that the date time is displayed in the application default timezone (Europe/Paris)
For example: Notifications, imports/exports, REST/JSON API are not compatible with timezones.